MeetRivers (.com)

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Rivers Corbett, MBA is an award winning entrepreneur, speaker, and author of "13 Fears of Entrepreneurs" He has received numerous business honors including Entrepreneur of the Year, Canada's Hottest Start-ups List and Canada's Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine and most recently recognized as one of Canada's 10 Mentor RockStars.. Rivers is presently a member of Startup Canada's National Advisory Council, founding entrepreneur of StartUP Fredericton & the "Entrepreneur in Residence" at the University of New Brunswick. His real joy and expertise is being a StartUP Advisor and "zagging while everyone else zigs" his two newest businesses ventures the Relish Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain and TheRockStar StartUP for StartUP entrepreneurs. Oh... he is also the leader of a team of over 25 chefs through his other company The Chef Group. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Always looking for a new idea to help businesses' succeed...this is his newest marketing discovery for StartUPs The Lyoness Advantage. "Rivers is a 21st century entrepreneur, he's the one to watch" - Jim Gilbert: Canada's Huggable Car Dealer!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Are you coming?


Have you heard of Joshua Hayward yet?

He's a successful entrepreneur who teaches the three biggest keys to being successful in anything you choose! And not for just any success… for far greater success than you ever imagined and at a much faster rate than you thought possible! He's doing a seminar here soon and he is going to share how he has used these three keys to:

  • Escape the mundane 9-5 workweek.
  • Get out of debt.
  • Stop living from pay-check to pay-check.
  • Find his passion in life and monetize it!
  • Create financial abundance.
  • Build successful businesses.
  • Have amazing relationships.
  • Live a life he absolutely loves.

All within the last 2 years!

Get more of the details here:

2 ½ years ago he was a broke young guy, working at a dead end job, driving a crappy car that was falling apart. He was the most dedicated, hardworking guy in the work place, but had "maxed out" on what the company would pay him. He was loyal to his company but to them he was just another number and was unappreciated. He was totally dissatisfied with his situation and felt that he had more potential, but had no clue what to do about it. Have you ever felt like that?

Then he was introduced to these three keys and his life totally transformed. Now he's owned three successful businesses and has made hundreds of thousands of dollars… and here's the kicker… It's all been while doing something he loves to do anyways. He hasn't worked a single day in the last 2 ½ years, because when you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life! He's done it and he's going to teach you how you can do it too!

He's hosting an event called VISION TO SUCCESS that I would like to personally invite you to. There's only a limited number of tickets so follow this link now and get all the details...

This event will totally rock your world. I hope to see you there.

reLiSH Life!

Rivers Corbett

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1 comment:

Marc Mawhinney said...

I'm looking forward to Josh's event Rivers - I've been amazed by the guy's positivity and motivation, it's contagious! See you there