MeetRivers (.com)

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Rivers Corbett, MBA is an award winning entrepreneur, speaker, and author of "13 Fears of Entrepreneurs" He has received numerous business honors including Entrepreneur of the Year, Canada's Hottest Start-ups List and Canada's Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine and most recently recognized as one of Canada's 10 Mentor RockStars.. Rivers is presently a member of Startup Canada's National Advisory Council, founding entrepreneur of StartUP Fredericton & the "Entrepreneur in Residence" at the University of New Brunswick. His real joy and expertise is being a StartUP Advisor and "zagging while everyone else zigs" his two newest businesses ventures the Relish Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain and TheRockStar StartUP for StartUP entrepreneurs. Oh... he is also the leader of a team of over 25 chefs through his other company The Chef Group. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Always looking for a new idea to help businesses' succeed...this is his newest marketing discovery for StartUPs The Lyoness Advantage. "Rivers is a 21st century entrepreneur, he's the one to watch" - Jim Gilbert: Canada's Huggable Car Dealer!

Friday, May 21, 2010

It Had to Be Done!

It's playoff time in the NHL and the hockey ever ever good. Especially last night's game where Les Habs crushed the Flyers. Guess which team I am a fan Actually have a seat from the old Forum in my office.

But I digress ..abit. What message I took from last night's game ain't over til it's over. I remember when the Canadiens won the Cup in 1986. They were down 2 games to none in the first round against the Quebec Nordiques. 2-0 in the first round. Well....the rest is history. They rallied and went on to win the Stanley Cup! really isn't over until it's over and as entrepreneurs we need to remember that too. How many people have never reached their full potential because when the chips were down and their backs were up against the wall...they gave up..quit, wilted like a flower. What a shame when the game..the series wasn;t even over.

BTW..just to be fair. I do also recognize the feat the Flyers did last series against the Bruins. Against great odds..they game back...GREAT odds!!! Good for them and good for us to witness it.

These are two great teams playing now...who will not give up even when they might be taking their last breath. Why? Because they want something soooo bad and they are professionals! That's the reason.

So here's my question to you...When you want something so bad...will you fight to your last breath. Will you be a "professional entrepreneur?"

Here's to your great success and just for the record -- GO HABS!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post. Our team has experienced the ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like the wind is out of the sails, but we keep pushing, talking with investors, meeting new people. Thanks to some local meetup groups attached to national groups we are now on a huge upswing. You just never know when you are going to make that right connection. Thanks for the motivation.