MeetRivers (.com)

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Rivers Corbett, MBA is an award winning entrepreneur, speaker, and author of "13 Fears of Entrepreneurs" He has received numerous business honors including Entrepreneur of the Year, Canada's Hottest Start-ups List and Canada's Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine and most recently recognized as one of Canada's 10 Mentor RockStars.. Rivers is presently a member of Startup Canada's National Advisory Council, founding entrepreneur of StartUP Fredericton & the "Entrepreneur in Residence" at the University of New Brunswick. His real joy and expertise is being a StartUP Advisor and "zagging while everyone else zigs" his two newest businesses ventures the Relish Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain and TheRockStar StartUP for StartUP entrepreneurs. Oh... he is also the leader of a team of over 25 chefs through his other company The Chef Group. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Always looking for a new idea to help businesses' succeed...this is his newest marketing discovery for StartUPs The Lyoness Advantage. "Rivers is a 21st century entrepreneur, he's the one to watch" - Jim Gilbert: Canada's Huggable Car Dealer!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The MerryGoRound is the Most Fun...Right?

Here's what I have learned in my 15 years as an entrepreneur. Change is constant. The road I started on is definitely not the road I am on now....nor would I have guessed it would be mentally prepared for ups and downs. After all business isn't black and white it's gray.

And in that regard you can only control what you are capable the bible there is a great passage that says...God grant me the courage to change what I can and the serenity to accept that which I cannot change....of course I am paraphrasing.

The point being is that being in business is a constant roller coaster. Ups an downs and all arounds. And with that metaphor ...I ask you....would you rather ride life as a roller coaster or merry go round. Entrepreneurs...real entrepreneurs...ride the roller coaster and love every part of it.

What do you think?

Happy Trails.

1 comment:

JDeering said...

I couldn't agree more Rivers. I also believe that in order to succeed not only do you have to ride the roller coaster and react to change, but continuously learn in order to anticipate the next turn.