MeetRivers (.com)

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Rivers Corbett, MBA is an award winning entrepreneur, speaker, and author of "13 Fears of Entrepreneurs" He has received numerous business honors including Entrepreneur of the Year, Canada's Hottest Start-ups List and Canada's Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine and most recently recognized as one of Canada's 10 Mentor RockStars.. Rivers is presently a member of Startup Canada's National Advisory Council, founding entrepreneur of StartUP Fredericton & the "Entrepreneur in Residence" at the University of New Brunswick. His real joy and expertise is being a StartUP Advisor and "zagging while everyone else zigs" his two newest businesses ventures the Relish Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain and TheRockStar StartUP for StartUP entrepreneurs. Oh... he is also the leader of a team of over 25 chefs through his other company The Chef Group. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Always looking for a new idea to help businesses' succeed...this is his newest marketing discovery for StartUPs The Lyoness Advantage. "Rivers is a 21st century entrepreneur, he's the one to watch" - Jim Gilbert: Canada's Huggable Car Dealer!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Step Father


I  am really excited about participating in this year's Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life because I want to help support a great cause. Yes they are all great causes..but this especially dear to me.

For those of you that are close to me will know that I am a survivor of different sorts with cancer.  My best friend, my mentor, my confidant, my step-father (gee I hate that name) lost his battle with cancer a year ago January, 2009.

Donald Joseph Burke was..and still is..a gift to me.  What he taught me about life, family and love will stay with me for the rest of my life.  I miss him terirbly but you know the crazy thing is, his last year with his battle with cancer was probably his greatest leagcy to me as he taught me about the sanctity of life and all it has to offer.  I also saw what others who have cancer face each day and I was ..I am still am...captured by their strength, compassion and love for their lives as they battle this terrible disease.  And in my view it is the worst of the worst.

My good friend, Stephen Feswick, is also battling cancer in Olds, Alberta.  I saw him in December and you should have seen the medicine that man has to take each day...just to survive.  Not including the poison of chemo and then the demon of radiation treatments.

So..I am raising $10,000 for the memory of my best friend and all the others in my life and yours who are touched my cancer.., for my need to keep his great memory alive in my heart, for my family and for the thousands who are just like my step-dad.  I know he would be proud of what I am doing..and to be honest..that makes me feel good.  Why shouldn't it I guess.  Don always made me feel good.

I would appreciate you helping me reach my goal

If you wish to help me with my journey to meet my goal as part of the NB Dream Team .. It's easy - just click here.  And the Support Rivers. When you donate the thermometer on my Cancer donation page goes up and your name appears as a thank-you.

BTW..the idea of the thermometer is for it to go up....this is high fever pitch stuff we want.

If you want to learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society, visit

Online pledging is secure and it saves the Society money by reducing administrative costs - it means the money you give can go further to help the fight against cancer.

Thanks for your support and here's to your gift of life!!!

Grab it!  Here's the link again..


Here's to Your Success!


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The Chef Group
PO BOX 30010
Fredericton, NB E3B-0H8
(506) 449-2011

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