MeetRivers (.com)

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Rivers Corbett, MBA is an award winning entrepreneur, speaker, and author of "13 Fears of Entrepreneurs" He has received numerous business honors including Entrepreneur of the Year, Canada's Hottest Start-ups List and Canada's Fastest Growing Companies list through Profit magazine and most recently recognized as one of Canada's 10 Mentor RockStars.. Rivers is presently a member of Startup Canada's National Advisory Council, founding entrepreneur of StartUP Fredericton & the "Entrepreneur in Residence" at the University of New Brunswick. His real joy and expertise is being a StartUP Advisor and "zagging while everyone else zigs" his two newest businesses ventures the Relish Gourmet Burgers restaurant chain and TheRockStar StartUP for StartUP entrepreneurs. Oh... he is also the leader of a team of over 25 chefs through his other company The Chef Group. Not bad for a guy who hates to cook. Always looking for a new idea to help businesses' succeed...this is his newest marketing discovery for StartUPs The Lyoness Advantage. "Rivers is a 21st century entrepreneur, he's the one to watch" - Jim Gilbert: Canada's Huggable Car Dealer!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Is All This Talk Of Tribes Lately ???

If you have been paying attention to Twitter on Tuesday evenings then you may have noticed the #tribetuesday catch phrase appear. If you haven’t, believe me…. it is only a matter of time.

So what exactly is all the fuss? Have you read the book entitled “Tribes” by Seth Godin? If you answered no, then you better put that on your immediate “To Do List”, not the one that your wife and you make for ‘around the house’ but the one that you try to fulfill each and every week!

I took it to the next level and purchase the CD/Audio set because I do spend some time traveling and also because I can listen to it while sitting at my computer.

Let’s get you up to speed quickly here with a definition of a tribe. According to “Oxford Canadian Dictionary” 2nd Edition it is “A Group Or Community Of People United By A Shared Profession Or Hobby” I think that fits nicely with what the group of names listed below have set out to accomplish.

I have been very fortunate to meet up with the likes of:

Kary Rogney

Michael Feil

Nick Logan

Jon Alfredsson

Ken Pickard

Eric Goldstein

I learn something new about these gentlemen each and every day either through reading about their content or by means of speaking with them. They have definitely seen a need for leadership in Education, Home Based Business / Social Media and the MLM Arena. Not only have they seen the need, they have taken it to a whole new level and set the bar very high in doing so.

You will notice that each of their names are hyperlinked…. which simply means that once you click on it your will be taken directly to their blog. I have done so because they all have tremendous amounts of value to offer anyone wishing to grow and stretch themselves.

So, what is the purpose of the “Tribe” as we know it? Well, it serves many purposes but I am going to outline only 3 that I believe are of most importance:

1) Accountability and Support

2) Education – Ongoing and Reinforcement

3) Syndication – Sharing Of Others Content

Let me briefly explain these three important criteria…..

Accountability and Support is more or less self-explanatory. In life what is easy to do is also easy not to do. That is why having a support group or shall I say “tribe” so important to your success. Knowing that I have to complete at least one blog post per week, get on a weekly call, and really stay on top of things is the true power of our tribe.

Secondly is Education. These gentlemen and those who they have as mentors, men and women alike, are staying abreast of the most currently and relevant Education that will only further our continued success. If you are not Educating yourself then you are not growing. Leaders are Readers!

Lastly is the power of Syndication. Without Syndication, I would not have nearly as much traffic to my Blog,Ttwitter or Facebook account. It is solely because of the Syndication that takes place that all tribe members are being rewarded with traffic and more importantly the creation of relationships.

So, I encourage you to do two things: (1) Visit the blogs of the individuals whose names are listed above and (2) check out Seth Godin’s Book on Tribes.

Written by my good friend and associate Mr. Steve Hachey

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